How can copyright infringing content be removed from Reddit?

What to do if content posted on Reddit infringing your copyrights? 

Protecting your copyrights on Reddit is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Preserving Ownership: By safeguarding your copyrights on Reddit, you maintain ownership and control over your creative works. This ensures that others cannot use or distribute your content without your permission.

  2. Maintaining Reputation: Your content represents your brand and reputation. Unauthorized use or modification of your content can damage your reputation and credibility, affecting how others perceive you and your work.

  3. Preventing Misuse: Without copyright protection, your content is vulnerable to misuse, such as unauthorized reproduction, alteration, or distribution. Protecting your copyrights helps prevent these forms of exploitation.

  4. Ensuring Fair Compensation: Copyright protection enables you to enforce your rights and seek compensation for any unauthorized use of your content. This ensures that you are fairly compensated for your creative efforts.

  5. Legal Compliance: Protecting your copyrights on Reddit ensures that you are in compliance with copyright laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in legal consequences for both you and those who infringe upon your rights.

REMOVEE - Automatic takedown service allow to verify alleged infringing URL and see approx. removal time before registration.

Just submit copyright infringing URL

See average removal time based on previous removals and continue with brief registration

Make sure infringinig content got deleted within similar approx. removal time 

Usually page looks like not found after got deleted, or post was removed by Reddit’s Legal Operations team


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